Pres. Donald Trump has made a disaster declaration that authorizes public assistance for eligible entities that suffered significant damages from a windstorm that tore through Davis, Morgan, Salt Lake and Weber counties in September. The storm caused considerable damage, including the toppling of old-growth trees on the grounds of the state Capitol and Liberty Park in Salt Lake City.

The announcement from the Utah Division of Emergency Management (DEM) also said the declaration provides for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program to be available for projects throughout the state.

“The Utah Division of Emergency Management will work closely with FEMA and with the counties to administer the FEMA funding made available under the windstorm declaration,” said the statement.

This is the third presidential disaster declaration for Utah involving disasters that occurred in 2020. The first was declared on April 4, 2020, for the COVID-19 pandemic and is ongoing. The second declaration was approved on July 9, 2020, for the Individual Assistance Program for damage from the March 18 5.7 magnitude earthquake in Magna. Then on Dec. 31, after an appeal, Public Assistance and Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs were also approved for the Magna earthquake, the statement said.

“We appreciate the support of FEMA and the president in approving this latest disaster declaration for Utah,” DEM director Kris Hamlet said. “We’ve been very busy this past year responding to numerous emergencies and disasters, but now is the time to move forward with recovery and mitigation efforts. The resources provided under this declaration will help those areas impacted the most to be able to offset costs incurred to respond to the windstorm, and in some cases to implement mitigation efforts to minimize future impacts from such an event.”

Information about the relief funding is available at the division’s website,