Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) recently proposed reducing its incentive-driven “wattsmart” program by 32 percent beginning in 2018.  A coalition of business and community led by Utah Clean Energy have joined in asking Rocky Mountain not to cut what the group considers to be a highly successful program for reducing electricity consumption in the state.

RMP started the wattsmart program in 2007 by providing incentives for its customers who reduced consumption in their homes and businesses by using energy-efficient technologies such as LED lighting, building controls and efficient heating and cooling systems. According to an analysis by the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, wattsmart has resulted in the reduction of electricity use by 2.2 billion kilowatt hours and saved Utah families and businesses an estimated $1 billion in electricity costs. Utah Clean Energy credits the program with helping Utah climb three places in a recent national scorecard for energy efficiency.

{mprestriction ids="1,3"}According to a release from Utah Clean Energy, RMP’s proposal to reduce the wattsmart program would result in losing out on 110,850 megawatt hours of electricity savings in 2018. This is enough electricity to power over 12,000 homes for a year and is equal to the emissions from burning over 83 million pounds of coal. Utah Clean Energy officials met with its coalition on Oct. 5, which was designated national Energy Efficiency Day.

“Rocky Mountain Power has a strong track record for delivering successful energy efficiency programs, which deserve special recognition today on Energy Efficiency Day,” said Kevin Emerson, Utah Clean Energy’s energy efficiency program director. “Consumers and businesses participating in the wattsmart program have cut electricity waste and lowered their electricity bills, while also preserving natural resources, reducing pollution and supporting some of the estimated 30,000 workers in Utah’s energy efficiency industry. At the same time, it’s disappointing that the utility is planning dramatic cuts when efficiency brings so many benefits to our state.”

The group is encouraging RMP to “commit to a level of electricity savings that is at least as high as that from its previous 20-year plan issued in 2015, or even higher, in order to be on a par with other leading American utilities.”

  Clarence Verhoef, chief financial officer of Varex Imaging Corp., was among those joining the Utah Clean Energy group in its effort. “The wattsmart energy efficiency program benefits Utah businesses, families and the utility,” Verhoef said. “We have supported Rocky Mountain Power for many decades and have participated in the wattsmart energy efficiency program from the beginning. Since 2009, dozens of projects have saved Varex 6.5 million kilowatt hours (6,500 megawatt hours) of energy each year. We believe Rocky Mountain Power’s energy efficiency programs help to lower our pollution footprint and make smart use of Utah’s shared energy resources. We strongly encourage other businesses to take advantage of opportunities to expand their energy efficiency programs.”

“Utah Clean Energy is a public interest organization working to expand renewable energy and energy efficiency in a way that is beneficial not only for Utah’s environment and health, but our economy and long-term energy security,” the organization said.  [We are] committed to creating a future that ensures healthy, thriving communities for all, empowered and sustained by clean energies such as solar, wind and energy efficiency.”{/mprestriction}