Salt Lake City has launched a new online tool designed to make the zoning and permitting process easier and more efficient for those starting a new business.

OpenCounter is a customized guide to help applicants achieve their project goals while outlining the required permits and fees. It will allow users to find out where different business types are permitted and explain to them the permits and zoning requirements for starting a business in Salt Lake City.

“We listened and we are responding,” said Orion Goff, Salt Lake City building official and director of building services and civil enforcement. “This tool has been widely popular in major jurisdictions across the country for a reasonable cost and very quick configuration and implementation.

{mprestriction ids="1,3"}The first phase of the project went live Oct. 6.

“Small businesses are the engines of our local economy,” said Lara Fritts, Salt Lake City’s director of economic development. “Until now, there have been very few tools to give entrepreneurs and small-business owners a clear breakdown of the processes involved. OpenCounter eliminates confusion on both sides of the counter, giving staff a powerful suite of tools to analyze proposed projects, and giving citizens a level of service that reduces the discovery process from weeks down to a few minutes.”{/mprestriction}