Salt Lake City-area technology hiring is on the rise for the second half of 2017, according to the Robert Half Technology IT Hiring Forecast and Local Trend Report. Twenty-two percent of Utah’s chief information officers (CIOs) say they plan to add full-time technology professionals to their teams. In addition to hiring plans, the report also highlights technology skills in demand, CIOs’ top concerns and factors contributing to local hiring growth.

“Our city continues to attract new companies from a wide variety of industries,” said Justin Rohatinsky, branch manager for Robert Half Technology in Salt Lake City. “With more growth comes increased demand for talent. The consistent theme is the need for skilled technology professionals. Database managers, .NET professionals and wireless network managers are the most highly sought-after right now. Additionally, analytics and business intelligence are playing big roles for many companies, so we’re seeing steady demand for these professionals as well.”

According to the report, the 22 percent of Salt Lake City CIOs who plan to hire during the next six months represent a three point increase from the previous report in December. An additional 64 percent expect to maintain staff levels by filling vacant roles. An active hiring environment is contributing to a competitive market for IT talent: 56 percent of Salt Lake City hiring leaders say that it’s somewhat or very challenging to find skilled IT professionals in today’s market.

{mprestriction ids="1,3"}When asked what factors are most contributing to local hiring, more than a third (35 percent) of respondents said that more businesses are moving to the area and creating jobs in technology. Other factors impacting tech hiring in Salt Lake City include:

• Increased digital marketing initiatives (34 percent).

• Increased big data initiatives (14 percent).

• Increased mobile initiatives (14 percent).

According to respondents, the skills in greatest demand within their organizations include:

• Network administration (57 percent).

• Wireless network management (56 percent).

• Telecommunications support (54 percent).

• Database management (53 percent).

• Desktop support (52 percent).

When asked to name their top priority for the next six months, 27 percent of Salt Lake City hiring leaders said they will be focused on staff retention. Other priorities will include

• Upgrading existing systems for business efficiency (22 percent).

• Maintaining security of IT systems and safeguarding company information (19 percent).

• Innovation and helping to grow their businesses (18 percent).

• Technology innovation and investing in new technologies (14 percent).

The survey was developed by Robert Half Technology and conducted by an independent research firm. To ensure that companies from all segments were represented in the study, the sample was stratified by number of employees. Robert Half Technology has been tracking IT hiring activity in the United States since 1995.{/mprestriction}