cox land bid

Gov. Spencer Cox speaks at a press conference announcing a lawsuit from the state seeking to take control of to 18.5 million acres of federally managed land in Utah. (Kyle
Dunphey/Utah News Dispatch) 

Kyle Dunphey
Utah News Dispatch

Utah is suing the federal government over how it manages public land in the state, again.

But unlike past legal challenges, which target specific national monuments or policies, the scope of the lawsuit filed with the U.S. Supreme Court recently is massive, questioning whether the Bureau of Land Management’s claim to 18.5 million acres of land — about 34 percent of the entire state — is legitimate.

State politicians call it “historic.” Environmental and public land advocacy groups say it’s a “land grab.” Regardless, the lawsuit has the potential to upend how the Bureau of Land Management operates in Utah and possibly the Please log in to see the rest of this story.