The Pacific Islander community in the Salt Lake City area has formed its own chamber of commerce, which launched on June 30. As a 501(c)(6) nonprofit chamber, the organization “is committed to uniting and uplifting the community while prioritizing the common good over personal gain,” the new organization said in a release.

Alyn Toalepai, co-founder of Lehi-based Koko Creations Co., hasbeen named the chamber’s first president.

The chamber’s mission is centered on bridging gaps, overcoming obstacles and{mprestriction ids="1,3"} offering solutions to the challenges faced by Pacific Islander entrepreneurs, small-business owners and business professionals in Utah, according to Toalepai. By promoting local businesses, empowering education, and fostering civic participation, the chamber aims to create a thriving community for economic and social progress.

“We firmly believe in the power of collaboration and extending support,” said Toalepai. “Our community is our family, and together, we can achieve great things.”

The chamber’s statement said the chamber’s goals revolve around the key pillars of growth from within, bringing business to member businesses, providing culturally relevant education and training and civic engagement.

The Pacific Islander Chamber of Commerce has also established its Women’s Executive Alliance, which will serve as the women-in-business arm of the chamber. The Women’s Executive Alliance will focus on creating, providing and developing resources to support and empower women-owned businesses, enabling them to sustain and grow their companies. 

“As the chamber forges alliances with various organizations, chambers and programs, it is poised to become a hub of support and resources for the Pacific Islander community,” the chamber release said. “By adhering to the values of collaboration, learning, investment, forecasting and training (LIFT), the chamber will work tirelessly to address the needs of its members and collectively achieve success.”{/mprestriction}