A new columnist joins the Enterprise family beginning with today’s edition. Business humor writer Bob Goldman will become a regular in our pages with his column “Work Daze.”

Cliff Ennico, whose column, “Succeeding in Your Business,” has been a part of our newspaper for several years, has decided to retire and will no longer be an Enterprise contributor.

As a humor writer, Goldman says he believes that his readers should{mprestriction ids="1,3"} skyrocket ahead in their careers and make tons of money. What sets him apart is his belief that his readers should have these advantages without going to the trouble of actually having to do any work. Toward this end, he provides the practical tips and attitude adjustments that guarantee laughter, if not financial success.

Born in White Plains, New York, Goldman graduated from Colorado College. Using the writing skills he honed while not doing any schoolwork, he crafted an essay that gained him admission to the prestigious University of Chicago School of Business. Intent on proving his success-without-effort philosophy, he ended his first semester with four F’s and one D, prompting his advisor to comment, “You obviously spent too much time on one subject.” Sensing that his gifts might be better applied to the practical world of business, Goldman left academia to become a successful advertising copywriter at huge multinational firms in whose bureaucratic superstructure he always found a place to hang his hat — and his hammock.

Between writing ads for detergent and computers, he found time to write articles for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Rolling Stone. He says his column, “Work Daze,” is a finger in the eye for business blowhards and boardroom braggarts.

The father of three children, Goldman lives near San Francisco in a newly remodeled house for which he says he will be paying for many happy decades to come.

Goldman’s first column for The Enterprise can be found on page 4.{/mprestriction}