Angela Civitella

Did you know that your business and your love life have a lot of things in common? It’s true. Remember that feeling when you first met your special someone, or when you decided to spend the rest of your life with them? You felt warm and fuzzy all over. You were excited. You were proud of your relationship.

You might have experienced excitement when you started your business. The rush of being in charge, calling the shots and{mprestriction ids="1,3"} living out the dream of entrepreneurship.

If you want to be successful, your relationship with your business takes just as much effort, time and dedication as your romantic relationships.

Valentine’s Day has come and gone and while couples everywhere are acknowledging their relationships, take time to fall back in love with your relationship with your business. Why? Because when entrepreneurs lose the passion for their business, things quickly head south. Don’t let that happen to you.

Here are five ways to fall in love with your business again:

Remember What It Felt Like to Cash Your First Check

Remember the butterflies you felt on your first date?  Or when you had your first kiss?

Well, how about the first time you were paid as a business owner? That’s one of your most important firsts. Do you recall the butterflies? The joy? The excitement?

In fact, many businesses frame their first paycheck or hang those first few bills on the wall as a reminder of this special day. Think back to that moment. How did you feel? What did it do for your self-confidence? For many entrepreneurs, this is the initial validation they need. This is the proof that lets them know they are good enough, worthy and that they can really do this.

Chances are, now, when you receive payment, you simply deposit it into the bank with little to no emotion. Go back to that first time you got paid and remind yourself how great it felt and how driven you were. Bring that excitement back to the present day.

Then, anytime you receive a check, treat it as if it were the first time you were being paid.

Remember To Be Grateful

In a committed relationship, you must never take your partner for granted. The same holds true in business. When a business experiences a lot of growth and success, especially early on, many owners lose that attitude of gratitude. Their humbleness fades and they start to take things for granted.

No matter how much success you have in business, never become cocky or forget where you started. Don’t ever think you are above anyone else or treat your staff and clients poorly. The most successful people remain grateful, grounded and give back anyway they can. The more grateful you are toward your business, the more you will love it.

Stay True to What Matters Most to You

When I was growing up, I had a teacher who would always say, “Stay true to what matters most to you.”

That’s great life advice as well as business advice. Far too often we see business owners who lose touch with their core values and mission, their true WHY. They forget why they started their business in the first place.

This is one of the fastest ways to disconnect from your brand, confusing your customers and negatively impacting the bottom line. Plus, when you lose sight of what truly matters, you start to lose the love and passion.

Just as a happy and successful couple remains focused on what matters most to them (hint: each other), you must not lose touch with the things that matter most to you and drive you to love your business.

Plan for the Future, But Enjoy the Present

As most couples age, they must plan for the future. Will they downsize when the kids move out? Are they prepared for retirement? They continue to enjoy the present moment while preparing for the next phase.

It is vital you do the same with your business:

• If you’ve built a successful business, maybe you explore selling it.

• If you are nearing retirement, maybe it’s time to explore a succession plan.

• If you’re in the thick of it, maybe it’s time to upgrade your skills and prepare for industry changes.

While it is important to stay grounded and enjoy the present moment, it is just as important to think and prepare for the future.

Keep Things Fresh

We’ve all been there — a relationship won’t survive if you don’t keep things fresh.

The same holds true for your business. Are you just focused on work? Or are you continually trying new techniques, approaches and ideas?

Keep things fresh in your business:

• Join a business group.

• Get involved in community-centered activities relating to your work.

• Learn a new skillset.

• Get involved on a professional platform where your voice can be heard.

• Always network and meet new people who could open up new opportunities for you and your business.

The point is, in this day and age, you’re not going to survive unless you think outside the box and are open to new ways of doing things.

The Takeaway

Even though Valentine’s Day is over, enjoy spending a little extra time with that special someone in your life. If you need to rekindle the relationship with your business and get that loving feeling again, put in the time and effort. You probably started your business because you loved what you were doing, and you probably have so much success for that same reason. Make the time to reconnect with your business and find the love again. Remember, as Steve Jobs said, “The only way to do great work, is to love what you do.”

Angela Civitella is an executive, a business leadership coach and the founder of Intinde ({/mprestriction}