Quotient Technology Inc., a Salt Lake City-based digital media and promotions technology company, has announced that Matthew Krepsik, currently the company’s chief technology officer, will become Quotient’s CEO by year-end 2022. Krepsik will succeed Steven Boal, who has served as CEO since August 2019, when he returned to execute a turn-around of the business. Boal will be stepping down at the time of the transition.

Krepsik joined Quotient in April 2021 and is a veteran of the advertising technology industry, having served in leadership positions at Nielsen Holdings before joining Quotient.{mprestriction ids="1,3"}

“The Company has strengthened its core operations and is successfully executing on its turn-around strategy, and both the board and I believe that now is the right time to initiate this transition of leadership responsibilities, said Boal. “Since Matt joined last year, he has proven himself to be an invaluable member of the leadership team. He has been instrumental in recruiting new leaders with significant ad-tech experience. Quotient will leverage his strengths to capitalize on growth opportunities and continue to differentiate the company as a leader in digital media. The CEO transition announced today follows a nearly year-long planning by the board, and we expect the transition to be seamless as we continue to perform and deliver on our long-term growth plans.”

Boal founded Coupons.com in 1998 and brought the company public in 2014, before eventually rebranding the company as Quotient in 2015.

“I am honored that I will become the next CEO of Quotient when Steven steps down,” said Krepsik. “I am looking forward to building on the strong foundation we have in place to enhance our customer and partner experiences. Together with our talented team, we will continue to execute our strategy, developing new compelling capabilities and building valuable partnerships to lead the industry forward. I am excited to work with the Board and the entire Quotient team as we capture the significant growth opportunities ahead.”

Quotient’s board also said it has elected to separate the roles of chair of the board and CEO. The board has named Robert McDonald as non-executive chair of the board. McDonald was chairman and CEO of Procter & Gamble Co. from January 2010 until June 2013 and served as the U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs from July 2014 until January 2017. He joined the Quotient board as an independent director in November 2018. Andrew Gessow, currently Quotient’s lead independent director, will remain a director of the board.{/mprestriction}