Intelitechs, a Murray-based managed IT services provider, has acquired Total Cloud IT, a Salt Lake City company that offers industry-specific cloud solutions.

“The acquisition opens the door to expansion by Intelitechs into serving a broader group of small to mid-sized businesses across the country with both managed IT and cloud computing services,” Intelitechs said in announcing the transaction.

“We are pleased to be able to augment our proven model of delivering managed IT services to a larger group of clients across the country,” said Jake Hiller, founder of Intelitechs. “It’s a win/win — our regional clients now have access to expanded cloud services, and at the same time, previous cloud services-only clients can now benefit from the more comprehensive services Intelitechs offers in the areas of managed IT and data security.”

“With today’s home-based work force, there is a higher level of concern with data access and end-user security. So many companies now have more employees working from home than in the office using company and non-company devices to access sensitive data,” said Eric Sessions, Intelitechs co-founder. “We see a significant increase in need for our services like Office 365 security, directory synchronization, multi-factor authentication, spam filtering and in other areas.”