Lions Not Sheep Apparel, an apparel brand based in Bluffdale, has hired Dan Caldwell as its new president and chief operating officer. Caldwell was the co-founder of TapouT, a combat sports brand based in California. He has 24 year of experience in the apparel brand industry.

Lions Not Sheep Apparel is a fast-growing global apparel and lifestyle company that has sparked a demand with products that “appeal to those patriots around the world who lead and create versus blindly following the masses,” a company release said. A single T-shirt designed by company founder Sean Whalen with his personal mantra — Lions Not Sheep — launched the company.

“Dan brings incredible insight and knowledge of the apparel business and has experience successfully building a highly visible global brand,” said Whalen. “With triple-digit annual growth, Lions Not Sheep is quickly becoming a household name and Dan will help us take things to the next level.”

Caldwell will oversee the company’s day-to-day operations, implement strategic growth initiatives, strengthen the company’s supply chains and develop production partnerships, Whalen said.

“I’m inspired by what the brand stands for because it’s what I stand for,” said Caldwell. “It’s created a movement that people want to be a part of, and I believe that movement has contributed to its early success. We are going to build this into a global brand.”