Strategic spending in 2021 by the South Valley Chamber of Commerce and the South Valley Tourism Committee has resulted in more than a 400 percent return on investment and a $12 million economic windfall to area businesses, including hotels, restaurants, shopping centers and small businesses, according to a study released by the chamber.

“Working closely with Visit Salt Lake, the South Valley Chamber approved strategic spending on a few key initiatives to help draw special events to the community over the past 12 months,” said Jay Francis, president of the organization. “We’re thrilled that a relatively small investment of a few thousand dollars resulted in the millions of travel and tourism dollars brought into area businesses by visitors attending events, staying in hotels, dining out, shopping and playing at businesses located in the southern part of Salt Lake County.”

In 2021, the chamber investment resulted in more than 22,000 hotel room nights over the course of the year.  Those hotel nights translated into more than $12 million in incremental spending at area businesses.

“Our mission is simple: We’re here to help grow the business community,” said Brent Newbry, chairman of the South Valley Tourism Committee and area director of sales for Woodbury hotels. “Given the dramatic economic challenges faced by many local businesses caused by the pandemic over the past 20 months, we’re grateful to be among the business communities seeing signs of brighter days ahead.”

“We expect even bigger results in 2022,” said Francis. “The team at the South Valley Chamber already has plans in place for next year that will meet or exceed the success we experienced in 2021.”