Salt Lake County has announced a plan that Mayor Jenny Wilson thinks will make its workplaces, facilities and community safer. The strategy, developed jointly by the mayor, county council and elected county officials, encourages the county’s 7,000-strong workforce to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and the flu.

Employees can earn up to a total of $500 in vaccination payments. Employees who provide proof they have received the full series of COVID-19 vaccinations on or before Dec. 3 will receive $300. Employees who also verify that they and every member of their household age 12 and older have received the full series of COVID-19 vaccinations will get an additional $100 and employees who also verify that they have received a flu vaccination in addition to the full series of the COVID-19 vaccine will receive an extra $100.

“Having a vaccinated workforce is in the best interest of the county, our employees and the community we serve,” said Wilson. “As COVID lingers, I encourage other employers to take appropriate measures to vaccinate their workers. Every vaccine given moves us one step closer to putting COVID behind us.”

Wilson said Salt Lake County has long supported flu vaccination as a proactive approach to limiting the effect of seasonal flu in the workplace and in the community.