utah county update

michael florenceBy Michael Florence 

With all of the setbacks from COVID-19, it’s interesting to look back over the past 12-18 months and see where Lindon City thought it would be and where we actually are. Similar to most communities, entitlements and construction projects for both commercial and residential only slowed down slightly for a time and many retail businesses saw increases in sales.

While the pandemic has been extremely impactful, many commercial businesses in Lindon seemed to have weathered the time well. Lindon is an innovative community that works hard to respect the city’s past traditions while also having a plan in place for growth and development.

While the city has a population of 12,000 residents, the city also has a strong industrial and commercial sector with over 800 commercial businesses that generate over 15,000 daily jobs.

Over the past five years, developers have constructed approximately 2 million square feet of office/warehouse space, and nearly 1 million square feet of office and commercial space. Developers have also constructed 443 single family and townhome residential units as well as 44 accessory apartments.

As Utah County continues to increase in population, the city is committed to working with our regional and civic partners to incorporate best practices to ensure our economy continues to grow.

A New Corridor Master Plan

In May, the Lindon City Council adopted the 700 N. Small Area Plan. This is a plan was funded by a generous grant from the Utah Department of Transportation through their Technical Planning Assistance Program. The city hired IBI Group to work with the city and develop a land use corridor plan that will direct development for the 128-acre area in order to create a unique mixed-use community.

As part of the outreach for this plan the city sought out many of the most influential representatives from the development and real estate communities for feedback in order to create a realistic plan. In addition, Zions Bank also conducted an economic development analysis to study the plan’s feasibility.

The 700 North corridor is envisioned as a gateway to Lindon and fosters unique experiences for the community to gather. The site will be developed with community spaces, retail, restaurants, employment center, services and other experiential attractions to create an environment for a live-work-play community. Through the support of Bus Rapid Transit and future mobility options, the site will be a destination center and a center for the city to grow and develop by creating a thriving, walkable community that enhances the lifestyle of all Lindon residents in the present and future. The 700 N. plan can be accessed at www.lindoncity.org.

The 700 North area is set apart due to opportunities for future public transit. The corridor is strategically located between the Pleasant Grove interchange and State Street. With the success of the Provo/Orem Bus Rapid Transit system, Utah Department of Transportation, Utah Transit Authority and northern Utah County municipalities have recently completed the Central Corridor Study to expand high-capacity transit service north from Orem to Lehi. In anticipation of transit opportunities and as part of the corridor plan, the city has identified areas for future transit-oriented development. UDOT and UTA will soon begin the environmental impact study as the next step in moving this plan forward. In addition, Mountainland Association of Governments, in its Transplan 50, identifies, long-term, that Trax light rail will be extended through the area.

lehi developments

State Street Reinvestment

This past year, Lindon City has seen a renewed interest in developing along the State Street corridor. During 2021, the city has entitled over 37,000 square feet of retail and office space with another 10,000-15,000 square feet on the horizon. The city has also entitled 123 residential townhome units adjacent to State Street as part of two mixed-use developments. These townhome developments will help to diversify the housing stock in those areas and support the adjoining commercial uses.

Lindon City Looking Forward

Lindon City is a great community and we are excited for our future. Lindon is a community that excels in providing services to all who come to the city. The city is proud of its great trail system, parks, aquatic center and other recreational amenities. There are a lot of great things happening and we look forward seeing our plans and goals achieved. The City has great leadership which we are confident will make the right decisions in continuing the legacy of Lindon City being a great place to live, work and do business.

Michael Florence works as the planning and economic development director for Lindon City. He received his master’s degree in public administration from the University of Utah in 2008 where he graduated with Pi Alpha Alpha honors. he can be reached at 801-785-7687 or mflorence@lindoncity.org.