In the wake of the surge of COVID’s delta variant across the nation, adult residents of the Utah are nearing the coveted herd immunity milestone of 70 percent vaccinated, according a recent survey conducted by OH Predictive Insights. The study found 63 percent of Utah adults are vaccinated, and another 12 percent say they are willing to take the vaccine.

The poll was conducted Aug. 2 through Aug. 8 and surveyed 844 general population Utahns 18 and older, giving the survey a margin of error of +/-3.37 percent.

Even though their vaccination rates are high (in fact, higher than Nevada and Arizona, according to polling in those states), Utah residents are more pessimistic than optimistic about the near future of the coronavirus issue in the state. Almost half (49 percent) of respondents expect the spread of COVID to get worse in the next 30 days while only 23 percent say it will get better. Another 28 percent expect conditions to remain the same.

“With 75 percent vaccine willingness, Utahns are taking precaution against the threat of COVID in their state,” said Mike Noble, OHPI chief of research. “But with half of residents expecting COVID conditions to worsen in the next month, it appears the surge of the delta variant is driving that concern.”

Residents who are currently the most concerned about the recent spread of COVID in Utah tend to consume more news media than those less concerned. Of the 43 percent of Utahns who are extremely or moderately concerned, 82 percent say they tune in to local television for news and nearly seven in 10 get their news from radio (69 percent). Of the 34 percent of respondents who are slightly or not at all concerned, 70 percent use local television and six in 10 tune in to radio.