Utah’s technology companies have banded together to launch a political action committee to give the multibillion-dollar industry a voice in the statewide political process. Dubbed Slopes PAC, the new organization said its goal is to support candidates and organizations dedicated to economic growth and innovation through investments in the current and future workforce. Slopes PAC said its activities will have an emphasis on social and economic mobility.

Sunny Washington, a technology company veteran in Utah, has been named president and CEO of Slopes PAC.

“We love this state. We are committed to working with current and future leaders to ensure that there is a thriving ecosystem to support the continuation of our industry success,” said Washington. “Our goal is to make Utah the best place to grow our businesses and community.”

Slopes PAC’s website, slopespac.com, explains the genesis of the organization. “Utah’s technology industry, also referred to as Silicon Slopes, has a long history as being a leader when it comes to contributions of economic growth, jobs, education programs and community outreach. The growth of our technology companies in Utah has grown exponentially in the last 20 years and in order to continue the momentum, it is critical that the industry works with our Utah State Legislature to ensure that laws and policies are favorable to the interests of tech,” according to the post.

“The tech industry as whole has been reserved from political activity for a long time,” Washington said, emphasizing that Slopes PAC will operate on a non-partisan basis. “People in tech tend to be fiscally conservative but socially progressive, leaving them without a political home. We hope to get our community more engaged in the process. We are builders, and it’s time we lent our talents to producing social and economic growth while ensuring a high quality of life that we all want to see.”

Washington said the PAC’s first goal is to find 60 donors within its first 60 days to finance its operation. She said the organization is seeking both corporate and individual donors.