Half of Utah pet owners who adopted or bought a dog or cat when they found themselves with more time on their hands or had the desire for companionship during the COVID-19 pandemic, now find themselves worrying that they will not be able to care for their pet adequately as life returns to normal and they spend less time at home.

Pet products website Innovet Pet polled 3,000 pet owners as life returns to normal. Pollsters also found that 53 percent admitted they did no prior research before getting their pet. Twenty percent said they were influenced after seeing others post their cute pets on social media.

Innovet Pet found new pet parents deciding that walking their dog might not be as much of a priority as it was during strict lockdown. However, insufficient exercise is detrimental to a pet’s health and can result in behavioral issues such as aggression, boredom and fatigue, authors said. In fact, more than a quarter of pet owners believe walking your dog every day should be a legal requirement.