Dramafy, a new audio streaming company, has launched its service from its Park City headquarters. Featuring contemporary and classic audio dramas, the service streams from its website, dramafy.com, or with a free app that is available from Google Play or from the App Store.

Elizabeth Hansen, Dramafy’s co-founder, describes audio dramas as “just like television, only the pictures are better.” She said the service currently has hundreds of titles available in multiple genres, including science fiction, horror, adventure, comedy, mystery, children and old-time radio.

Hansen describes audio drama (sometimes called fiction podcasts or audio fiction) as scripted works with a full cast and sound design.

“In today’s mobile society, listeners want compelling entertainment easily found and enjoyed while commuting, mowing the lawn or waiting at the doctor’s office, all from their phones,” said Hansen. “We are recreating the magic of an almost-forgotten art form that entertained audiences during the golden age of radio in the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s, and helped turn CBS, NBC and ABC into the entertainment powerhouses they are today.”

“Dramafy plans to be the premiere destination for audio drama listeners and will curate the broadest collection of audio dramas appropriate for all audiences in the market,” said Dramafy CEO Ken Harris.