One in three Utahns have achieved the “perfect” work/life balance during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a poll by The national average is 44 percent. The top figure is in Alaska, at 70 percent. Louisiana, New Hampshire and Rhode Island tie for the lowest, at 20 percent.

So, what hobbies and activities have Utahns been partaking in during lockdown? When asked, 25 percent said they’ve spent time on home improvement and gardening, while 23 percent have been reading more. Nineteen percent enjoyed cooking more and 17 percent spent quality time with family, while 13 percent dedicated more hours to exercising and 3 percent made the most out of having more time for a proper breakfast.

Furthermore, over a quarter said they’ve become more self-sufficient during lockdown, doing things they may have never done before, like starting an herb garden, growing their own fruit and vegetables, baking from scratch and learning new DIY skills.