Rocky Mountain Power has announced the addition of a new solar energy project to be built in Iron County on behalf of Facebook for its data center in Eagle Mountain. The Appaloosa solar project will be developed under Rocky Mountain Power’s Schedule 34 green energy tariff, which allows large customers to purchase renewable energy generated on their behalf.

The project represents 120 megawatts of additional solar capacity in Utah and brings the total amount of in-state solar energy signed to support Facebook’s regional data centers to 814 megawatts, equivalent to 53 percent of the current net summer capacity of solar generation in Utah, according to Energy Information Administration estimates. These projects support Facebook’s 100 percent renewable energy goal for its global operations.

“Utah has been a great home for our data center and we are proud to help add new solar energy to the electrical grid,” said Urvi Parekh, head of renewable energy at Facebook. “Our goal is to continue to support all of our operations with 100 percent renewable energy and this partnership with rPlus Energies and Rocky Mountain Power helps us achieve that.”

The project will be developed in Iron County by rPlus Energies. It is scheduled to be in service at the end of 2023 and will provide ongoing tax benefits for Iron County.

“We are very pleased to see this Appaloosa Solar project moving closer toward construction to capture the valuable solar energy available in Iron County,” said Reed Erickson, Iron County planner.   “Collaborative solar development projects, like Appaloosa Solar, benefit our citizens in many positive ways and we recognize the significant contributions made to our community by the solar industry.”

“We appreciate the opportunity to work with valued customers like Facebook in helping to provide solutions to meet renewable energy goals,” said Michael Lange, Rocky Mountain Power regional business manager. “We look forward to our continued partnership and future collaboration.”