A recent survey by biotechnical products distribution company MyBioSource.com found that nearly two-thirds (62 percent) of Utahns who have received the COVID-19 vaccination will avoid contact with unvaccinated friends and colleagues. This is compared to a national average of 48 percent.

MyBioSource.com conducted the survey with 3,400 workers to find out if knowing who was vaccinated and who wasn’t would impact their social habits, particularly in terms of coming into contact with those who choose not to be vaccinated.

The survey also found that 40 percent vaccinated people would be prepared to end relationships with unvaccinated friends and that 37 percent support incentives to get people to get the vaccine. Nearly half (46 percent) of people think public venues, such as gyms, movie theaters and concerts, should have separate opening hours for unvaccinated people to reduce mixing between those who are vaccinated and those who are non-vaccinated.

Across the country, this figure was found to be highest in Maryland, with 65 percent of Marylanders saying they will avoid mixing with non-vaccinated people once lockdowns are fully lifted. Comparatively, just 11 percent of respondents in Idaho say they will be doing the same.