Adding to the pressure on Utah’s business owners caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is the fear of liability from their actions toward employees, clients and customers. The flood of lawsuits nationwide has already begun to fill up courts.

The Salt Lake Chamber recently joined business leaders across America to call upon Congress to pass liability protection as part of any new coronavirus relief package.

According to Derek Miller, president and CEO of the Salt Lake Chamber, “A temporary and targeted approach to ensuring protection against liability associated with working to sustain the economy throughout COVID-19 is needed to prevent valiant businesses from coming under legal assault through frivolous lawsuits.”

The chamber added its endorsement to a letter from over 580 stakeholder organizations along with private sector companies nationwide that was sent to members of Congress urging action on the matter.

“As the administration strives to reopen schools, protect our nation’s health and strengthen our economy, these critical protections will help safeguard educational institutions, healthcare providers, businesses and nonprofit organizations from unfair lawsuits,” the letter said in part. “Congress must take strong action now and provide a national baseline of liability protection during this national pandemic to prevent an influx of lawsuits from inhibiting our return to a robust economy and healthy citizenry,” it concluded.