Utah’s jobless rate continues to decline, shedding another one-tenth of a percentage point from October to November. The Department of Workforce services reported that approximately 46,600 Utahns were unemployed and actively seeking work in November. Meanwhile, the national unemployment rate dropped three-tenths of a percentage point from October to November to 4.6 percent.

Utah’s nonfarm payroll employment for November grew by an estimated 3.0 percent, having added 42,100 jobs to the economy since November 2015. Utah’s current employment level registers 1,447,700.

“Utah experienced yet another month of strong employment growth with the creation of more than 40,000 jobs over the last year,” said Carrie Mayne, chief economist at the Department of Workforce Services. “The unemployment rate dropped for the fifth consecutive month, signifying a solid trend in absorbing job seekers into the state workforce.”