Logan-based fitness technology company iFit is releasing its new automatic heart rate training software called iFit ActivePulse. The new app uses iFit’s technology to control the iFit subscriber’s treadmill in real time, automatically adjusting the speed and incline based on the person’s heart rate.

ifit logoThe technology can be applied to any of iFit’s library of workout programs and adjusts the workout to the fitness level and goals of the individual. It works on iFit-controlled NordicTrack, ProForn and Freemotion treadmills.

“ActivePulse lets each iFit customer’s heart rate personalize their treadmill workout without the complicated calculations and constant manual adjustments that have long been associated with heart rate training,” said Mark Watterson, president of iFit. “ActivePulse provides a workout that is catered not just to a member; it is catered to that member based on how their heart rate is functioning during the workout.”

Daily variables such as hydration, sleep and stress have a direct impact on heart rate, therefore the effectiveness of a given workout can vary from one day to the next based on heart rate performance, Watterson explained. Therefore, iFit ActivePulse scales and tailors the intensity of any iFit program to optimize the workout based on their heart rate at that moment — even incorporating advanced algorithms to gradually “learn” their unique behavioral patterns over time.

The company said iFit ActivePulse is compatible with leading Bluetooth heart rate monitors with broadcast functionality, including the iFit SmartBeat forearm heart rate monitor, as well as third-party devices from brands including Polar, Garmin, Wahoo and WHOOP.

amp humanAmp Human, a Park City human performance company, has launched D+ Lotion, a product that treats Vitamin D deficiency. Powered by Amps’ InnerEdge technology, the lotion contains 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3 and delivers it directly to the body by applying it to the skin. The company said users can improve their Vitamin D levels and boost their immune systems by simply applying the formula to the forearms daily. “Over two years ago we were asked by our elite partners to innovate a solution that addressed the detrimentally low Vitamin D levels in athletes and military personnel,” said Jeff Byers, CEO of Amp Human. “We are beyond excited to bring D+ Lotion to market … and continue our mission in helping people achieve their limitless potential.”

dweloDwelo, a Bluffdale-based provider of technology for management of apartment properties, has partnered with multifamily complex tour technology company Pynwheel to launch Dwelo Self Touring. The new product allows owners, property managers and leasing agents to give prospective renters a “sidewalk-to-sofa” tour of apartments at their preferred time. “We at Dwelo are thrilled to be partnering with Pynwheel on the most complete and secure self-touring solution on the market today,” said Dwelo CEO Mike Rovito. “With great features and ease of use for prospects,and with smart insights on tour patterns for leasing agents, Dwelo’s tightly integrated self-tour solution will allow owners to safely enable contactless and after-hours tours, accelerating leasing and capturing all available prospects at a time when every lease counts.”

knowledge pillarsPleasant Grove-based Knowledge Pillars, an IT testing and certification company, has introduced two new certification exams. The vendor-neutral, 100 percent web-based Python Coding Specialist and WordPress Certified Editor certification exams are designed to offer college-level students and professionals credentials that verify skills highly sought after by potential employers in the technology market. “Anyone editing online content can open career opportunities and advancement when they document their skills with a WP Certified Editor certification,” said Bryan Whatley, vice president of global sales and business development at Knowledge Pillars. “Over the next year, we will establish Knowledge Pillars as the leading provider of foundational web-editing and development certifications.” Knowledge Pillars also offers candidates online proctoring solutions that enable candidates to sit for the exams online.

payrentPayRent LLC, a Lehi-based rent collection and property management platform for real estate entrepreneurs, has unveiled the release of its web and mobile rent collection platform, PayRent.com, which focuses on features that help landlords get paid on-time with less effort. The company said its product puts a heightened focus on the changing landscape of rent collection brought on by the economic challenges of the past year. “With eviction moratoriums and sheltering coming to an end, it’s critical that landlords use a service like PayRent to keep cash flowing in their business,” said Carlton van Putten, PayRent’s CEO. PayRent has developed several features to help renters and landlords make and collect rent payments more easily. App features include bank balance verification and flexible auto-pay.

readynetSalt Lake City-based ReadyNet, a provider of connectivity products for Internet service providers, has released its WR1200 WiFi Router that includes comprehensive parental controls for child protection. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as children have increasingly been forced to rely on technology for distance learning, the company partnered with parental control company Bark to release a high-performance product that also includes smart parental controls. “In addition to the WR1200 product announcement, we’re also proud to announce our partnership with Bark, which offers comprehensive web filtering, parental controls and a suite of tools to help keep kids safe online," said ReadyNet Chairman Martin Frey. “We’re proud to be part of the solution, and Bark will be included as an option on all of our WR1200 routers.”

turner imagingTurner Imaging Systems has announced a sponsored research project partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital to investigate the use of Turner’s new Smart-C X-ray imaging system for weight-bearing radiographs of the foot and ankle. D. Clark Turner, founder and CEO of the Orem-based company, said, “The Smart-C was designed to revolutionize how and where doctors use X-rays … being particularly useful where patients can benefit from mobile radiology applications. We are thrilled to be working with the Foot and Ankle Research and Innovation Lab at Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School to validate additional advantages of the Smart-C in diagnostic and surgical applications.” The Smart-C mini C-arm has a unique 16-pound portable design that is battery-operated and hand-transportable, potentially improving where and how fluoroscopy is performed, Turner said.