Salt Lake County’s GDP growth during the past four years was 37th-best nationwide among counties, according to a new list released by fi nancial technology company SmartAsset.

The listings indicate that Salt Lake’s GDP growth (real growth, infl ation-adjusted) during that period was $3.76 billion. Second in Utah was Utah County, with nearly $1.46 billion, putting it 121st nationally. Davis County was third, with $829 million, 207th nationally. Others in the top 10 in Utah were No. 4 Weber County, $622 million, 258th nationally; No. 5 Washington County, $545 million, 276th; No. 6 Cache County, $386 million; 358th; No. 7 Summit County, $276 million; 483rd; No. 8 Iron County, $154 million, 738th; No. 9 Uintah County, $146 million, 760th; and No. 10 Box Elder County, $129 million, 829th. The SmartAsset rankings are part of a broader study on the areas with the most incoming investment in the U.S. It looked at GDP as well as three other factors: business establishment growth, new building permits and municipal bond investment.

Based on the four factors, each weighted equally, the rankings for counties with the most incoming investments was led in Utah by Salt Lake, followed by Utah, Davis, Weber, Washington, Cache, Summit, Iron, Uintah and Box Elder.

The study’s business growth statistics for those 10 Utah counties — based on the number of businesses established over a three-year period — was led by Washington County, at 14 percent, followed by Summit, 10.6 percent; Utah, 9.4 percent; Davis, 8 percent; Salt Lake, 5.7 percent; Box Elder, 5.2 percent; Iron, 4.7 percent; Uintah, 3.7 percent; and Weber and Cache, both at 2.5 percent.

The rankings of those 10 for new building permits per 1,000 homes was led by Utah County, with 29.4, followed by Washington, 27.7; Davis, 17.2; Salt Lake, 17; Cache, 14.7; Box Elder, 13.3; Weber and Iron, both 12.1; Summit, 9.2; and Uintah, 6.8.

Municipal bond investment per capita over the past fi ve years was led by Utah County, at $6,637, followed by Salt Lake, $5,591; Cache, $3,496; Summit, $2,569; Uintah, $1,548; Davis, $1,334; Washington, $649; Box Elder, $495; Weber, $488; and Iron, $188. The rankings and interactive map are available at https:// calculator?year=2016#Utah/ incoming.