Central Logic, a healthcare access and management software company in Sandy, has acquired Omaha-based Ensocare, a developer of solutions that automate the inpatient referral process to post-acute care (PAC).

Central Logic’s system focuses on referrals and transfers into a health system by uniting all available provider, facility and transportation resources to assign patients to the appropriate care level and setting without delay. The acquisition of Ensocare expands Central Logic’s solution to include successful transitions beyond hospitals to post-acute care settings — including skilled nursing and rehabilitation facilities, long-term acute care centers and even the home. Ensocare has an active, curated network of more than 50,000 PAC providers nationwide. Placement confirmations are secured on average within 30 minutes with the Ensocare system.

“This strategic acquisition means that our solutions will now span the care continuum from acute to post-acute care, which will improve transitions into, through and out of the health system, creating true ‘systemness’ for our clients,” said Angie Franks, CEO of Central Logic. “By operating as one, health systems can offer a more seamless experience for their patients across all acuity levels while enabling providers to stay connected and strengthening the relationships with PAC providers in their communities.”

About 40 percent of Medicare beneficiaries are discharged from the hospital to post-acute facilities, Franks said. With a large aging population, U.S. health systems face growing pressures to improve care access and streamline transitions of care to optimize patient outcomes, increase operating margins, and control costs.

“Our fully integrated solution will provide visibility and access to data that ensures hospital beds are freed in a timely manner when inpatient care is no longer necessary. This decreases length of stay and increases throughput,” Franks said.