Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum in Salt Lake City has received two grants to help it recover from COVID-19-caused problems. The museum said the money will help revitalize the public atrium and make improvements to the guest experience.

A grant from the Salt Lake County Community Partners provides $121,611 to help museum operators create a touchless facility and accessibility by updating drinking fountains, e-memberships and ADA doors.

The second grant is from Utah Division Arts and Museums’ Create in Utah Grant Phase II. It provides $311,500 to promote tourism and travel and COVID-19 relief.

Discovery Gateway plans to remodel its lower public atrium, providing access to all and to generate local excitement as well as drive tourists to Salt Lake City’s newly revitalized Gateway Center area downtown, a museum release said. It will work with local artists to create a unique experience within the public atrium to inspire visitors and draw them into the museum while visiting The Gateway.