Visitors to downtown Salt Lake City are once again being expected to feed meters if they park on the city’s streets. Mayor Erin Mendenhall signed a declaration that parking meter enforcement would resume on Aug. 11 with fares and time limits. City parking enforcement officers began issuing citations on that day. 

“We want to support our local businesses as they continue to grapple with the significant economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and this is one way the city can help,” Mendenhall said in a prepared statement. “After consultation with local businesses that rely on curbside pickup to conduct business, a need for spots to change over more frequently became apparent.”

The city suspended parking fares and time limitations on March 29 as coronavirus-related business closures began and the need for residential parking increased. Salt Lake County officials first closed dine-in services and bars on March 16 with a number of downtown businesses closing prior to that.