Millcreek Mayor Jeff Silvestrini and the Millcreek City Council have approved the creation of a grant program to reimburse the city’s small retail businesses for up to $5,000 in advertising expenditures. As part of the city’s CARES Act funds distribution, Millcreek is designating $1.5 million available on a first-come-first-served basis, intended to help 300 small businesses.

“We needed a program to address different business needs than the excellent county and state grant programs,” said Silvestrini, “and the Millcreek grant program will help affected businesses welcome customers back.”

Retail businesses with 95 or fewer employees who suffered financial losses from the pandemic shutdown can use the $5,000 for any legitimate method of advertising. 

“Our small businesses can use these funds for mailers, digital ads, signage, radio ads and more,” said Silvestrini. “We have made this as flexible as possible because these retailers know best what can help them fly.”

Information is available at under the “Business Resources” tab.