The Salt Lake Chamber has recognized those Utah legislators who supported the chamber’s priorities during the 2020 legislative session. This year’s Business Champions were honored at a virtual awards ceremony held in their honor on July 30.

In total, 94 lawmakers received the Business Champion Award. The title of Business Champion is directly tied to a legislator’s support and voting record on the Salt Lake Chamber’s “priority votes.” During each legislative session, the chamber’s board of directors designates the top priorities of the business community as priority votes. 

“Each of these lawmakers represent a strong voice for Utah business and our economy,” the chamber said.

“Utah’s Legislature is always very supportive of the business community and the state’s economy. This year was no different. We all benefit from the economic opportunity that fosters,” said Derek Miller, president and CEO of the Salt Lake Chamber. “Although the pandemic appeared in-state on the last two days of the session, the work that our Legislature completed should not be lost. As we emerge from this current crisis, the policies they implemented will help us recover and have a long-lasting and positive effect on our economy.”

The Salt Lake Chamber also honored Rep. Lowry Snow as the Chamber’s 2020 Legislator of the Year for his work on many issues, including two of the Chamber’s priority vote bills: HB99, Enhanced Kindergarten Amendments, which greatly expanded access to enhanced kindergarten across the state; and HB396, Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Amendments, which will make it possible to build and establish reliable infrastructure for electric vehicles along Utah’s interstates, highways and most visited areas.

Upon receiving the award, Rep. Snow said, “I’m extremely honored to receive this recognition from the Salt Lake Chamber. To be recognized by this distinguished organization for my work in the Legislature represents one of the high points of my public service. I’m grateful for the chamber’s support of those initiatives that help build and sustain our state’s vibrant economic environment.”