Utah’s Own, a state-run program to promote locally produced goods, has launched a new initiative to encourage Utahns to purchase locally produced agricultural products and foods to strengthen and support Utah’s farmers, ranchers and producers, who are struggling during the coronavirus-caused economic downturn. The program is called “Bringing Confidence to the Table.”

“We are in challenging times that have presented opportunities for the food industry to take a step back, assess and create innovative ways to continue to provide fresh local food to residents of our state,” said Logan Wilde, commissioner of Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, which operates the Utah’s Own program. “Utah has an incredible network of farmers, ranchers, distributors and small businesses that are safely providing high-quality food options.”

The initiative from Utah’s Own shares with the public three ways to become more engaged with local food and agriculture including, discovering local food through UtahsOwn.org and purchasing food directly from local producers, learning about the farm-to-table process and trusting in locally produced food crafted under meticulous food safety standards.

“We hope to educate folks on the food and agriculture that’s being produced around them and provide a way for everyone to reap the benefits of living in a place like Utah,” said Wilde. “While there is a growing concern about food supply chains on a national level, Utah’s food supply chain is dependable and secure.”