Utah’s six local United Way chapters have developed a statewide COVID-19 Community Response Fund and have distributed the first round of funding, providing resources to organizations working to support Utahns during the coronavirus outbreak, according to United Way of Salt Lake.

The initial distribution has provided resources to communities from Logan to St. George. In Salt Lake and Davis Counties, initial grants have been made to Utah Community Action and Open Doors, two organizations working to keep people in their homes and avoid homelessness during the pandemic. The funds will be used to provide rent assistance to those who have been laid off or had their hourly work drastically reduced as a result of COVID-19.

“We know that the economic impacts of this pandemic are just beginning and that to get through this we will have to work together,” said Bill Crim, president and CEO of United Way of Salt Lake. “We’re deeply grateful to the generous individuals and companies that have acted so quickly to get this fund started and invite all Utahns to join us.” 

“As the current situation continues to evolve, United Ways of Utah will reassess funding amounts and recipients of resources on a weekly basis and as more donations become available,” the organization said.