O.C. Tanner, a Salt Lake City-based marketer of employee recognition and workplace culture products and services, has converted a portion of its manufacturing space to develop and produce medical equipment needed to fight the COVID-19 outbreak. The company said it will be donating this equipment to hospitals that are in dire need of resources.

In a press statement, O.C. Tanner said that it “recognizes the need to mitigate the hazards faced by frontline healthcare professionals during this pandemic. To that end, [we] have worked in partnership with local hospitals and other experts to develop prototypes for face shields for doctors and nurses, ventilator parts and adapters for powered air purifying respirators (PAPR).” The release said that the first order of PAPR adapters was donated to the University of Utah.

“This is a humbling project to be part of,” said Josh McEwan, O.C. Tanner’s director of product development. “The hospital staff are amazing people who are currently facing uniquely hazardous conditions while they serve our communities. This is a difficult time for everyone across the world, but it’s also a unique opportunity for us to help people thrive in a different way, and to be part of something so vitally important to saving lives.”

O.C. Tanner said it plans to continue creating and distributing PAPR and other lifesaving equipment for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. The company is ramping up production to continue supporting hospital and medical workers across the U.S. and around the world.