AgilePQ, a South Jordan-based software company providing data security for the Internet of Things, has acquired Centri, a cybersecurity company based in Seattle.

“Centri’s technology is a force multiplier with AgilePQ,” said Paul Clayson, CEO of AgilePQ. “Centri and AgilePQ have been building different but complimentary world-class solutions for a market suffering from massive data breaches. This combination strengthens the solutions of each company in post-quantum cybersecurity technology and expands our experienced and talented team of security engineers.”

“While robust, Centri’s technology was based on legacy encryption that will become increasingly vulnerable in the future and which already cannot fit on resource constrained IoT devices,” said Michael Mackey Centri’s vice president of engineering, who comes to AgilePQ as the company’s chief technology officer. “AgilePQ offers a solution that is as elegant as it is powerful.  With an incredibly small footprint that allows it to fit on any device and provide post-quantum protection, it will define the future of security.”

As part of the deal, AgilePQ acquires nine Centri patents to add to its portfolio of 17 issued and 16 pending patents, all focused on data security and cryptographic implementation.