Guess what? American consumers don’t fully understand or trust artificial intelligence.

This not-so-shocking news is contained in a new report from Entrata, the Lehi-based multifamily real estate technology company.

The study revealed that, even though many consumers know the broad definition of artificial intelligence (AI, or the ability of a computer program or a machine to think and learn similarly to how a human would), most don’t fully understand its scope or the countless ways in which it affects their lives. Due to this lack of understanding, many still harbor a lack of trust for the technology.{mprestriction ids="1,3"}

“No matter how you look at it, AI is a huge part of our present and will be an even larger part of our future,” said Chase Harrington, president and chief operating officer of Entrata. “Our study shows that many people don’t fully understand the technology and that makes them mistrust it. At Entrata, we’re always pushing the technology envelope and AI is a big part of what’s going to continue to make our products leaders in the space.”

More than 38 percent of respondents have either just heard of artificial intelligence or have no idea what it is. Surprisingly, of those who claimed to be an expert in their understanding of AI, 20 percent not only got the definition wrong, but they were significantly more likely to get the definition wrong than other groups who say they know only a little or have just heard of it.

Despite this lack of understanding, more than half (52 percent) of people say they feel comfortable interacting with AI, which is good, because more than 40 percent of people use some form of AI on a daily basis, whether that be Gmail, Siri or Alexa  or Netflix and much more.

It’s also clear that people don’t understand chatbots (a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the Internet), with 33 percent of people thinking that Alexa and Siri are chatbots. In fact, 20 percent of people claim to have never interacted with a chatbot, and nearly 30 percent of people don’t think they would recognize when they’re interacting with one. That said, respondents reported that their favorite things about using chatbot technology include:

• It’s available 24/7 (39 percent).

• It’s easily accessible (15 percent).

• It’s quick and efficient (12 percent).

• They don’t have to talk to a real person (9 percent).

Despite people overall wanting chatbots to have more human-like personality traits, 36 percent of respondents don’t care about those traits as long as they get the information and help they need.

Despite their trepidation around AI, it turns out that people trust the technology more than they trust Pres. Trump, the Russians and sometimes even their grandma:

• 90 percent of people trust AI more than the Russians.

• 79 percent of people trust AI more than Pres. Trump.

• 73 percent of people trust AI more than the government.

• 71 percent of people trust AI more than Wall Street.

• 47 percent of people trust AI more than their neighbors.

• 41 percent of people trust AI more than their co-workers.

• 40 percent of people trust AI more than the police.

• 25 percent of people trust AI more than their spouse.

• 23 percent of people trust AI more than their grandma.

Generated by Entrata and fielded in August , the survey collected online responses via Qualtrics from 1,051 U.S. consumers who are over the age of 18.