Employers Council, a human resource and employment law service for the business community, has found that Utah’s employee turnover rate is up for the second straight year. The organization’s HR Metrics Survey reported a 2018 turnover rate of 25.6 percent compared to a 2017 rate of 21.8 percent.

Survey findings were collected from organizations across the state and represented a cross-section of industries, including the government, manufacturing, natural resources, nonprofit, technology, financial and real estate, insurance, healthcare, retail and wholesale, service, construction and utilities sectors. 

“For a second year in a row, Utah remains at the top of employee turnover percentages and our survey data indicates another slight uptick in Utah employees leaving their employer in 2018 versus 2017,” said Ryan D. Nelson, president of Employers Council’s Utah office.  “Employers can take steps to reduce the turnover rate of employees taking new jobs by reviewing their applicant screening process, orientation process, and pay and benefits to see if changes to those policies might keep employees from leaving the organization for another position.”

The 2019 HR Metrics Survey also includes statistics on length of service, retirement separations, tenure rates, job absence rates, compensation expense and cost of benefits. The survey includes breakouts of the data by company size, geographic area and industry type. The full report is available at www.employerscouncil.org.