A couple of major changes have occurred recently to leadership at Overstock.com Inc. Stormy Simon resigned as president in order to pursue other opportunities and Patrick M. Byrne, the company’s founder, resumed duties as chief executive officer after being on medical leave since early April.

A couple of major changes have occurred recently to leadership at Overstock.com Inc.

Stormy Simon resigned as president in order to pursue other opportunities and Patrick M. Byrne, the company’s founder, resumed duties as chief executive officer after being on medical leave since early April. Simon will remain a member of the Overstock.com board of directors until Sept. 30, at the latest.

Overstock.com is a 17-year-old, Salt Lake City-based online retailer of home furnishings, décor, electronics, jewelry and apparel. It employs about 1,500 at its Utah operations.

“While I will miss seeing my friends at Overstock on a daily basis, I am excited to focus my efforts on helping lead a new generation of entrepreneurs in developing a new sector of emerging markets,” she said.

“We wish to thank Stormy for her long and valued service, leadership and passion for Overstock,” Bryne said. “She has been a key contributor to Overstock’s evolution and growth from the early years, serving in a broad spectrum of roles and providing valuable leadership as president since 2014, and as a member of our board since 2011.”

“This is the end of an era, and we want to wish Stormy the best of luck in her next endeavor,” added chairman Jonathan Johnson.

Byrne took a medical leave of absence April 11 to deal with complications of a Stage IV diagnosis of Hepatitis C, contracted after receiving a head wound in rural China in 1984.

“Once again, my life was saved by the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, with a big assist from the doctors at Aurora Health Care in Milwaukee, and note that, oddly enough, for the first time in 31 years, I’m completely healthy,” Byrne said.

Byrne commended Mitch Edwards for his work as acting CEO during his leave.

“I’m happy to be back to the day-to-day operations of this great company, where I see a clear path to continue our accelerating growth,” Byrne said. “It’s exciting times for the firm, especially with the move to Peace Coliseum, our new corporate campus.”

“It’s good to have Patrick healthy and back at the helm,” Johnson said. “No one else has the entrepreneurial vision to move this company to the next level quite like Patrick.”