Utah Science Technology and Research (USTAR) has awarded a grant for a project that targets wastewater issues with a technology that also could create bioenergy.

The Industry Partnership Program (IPP) grant was awarded to professor Ronald Sims and Utah State University to support a collaboration with the Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility (CVWRF) and Salt Lake City-based WesTech Engineering Inc.

The project’s goal is to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from municipal wastewater, which will assist treatment plants like CVWRF with meeting state nutrient standards. An added value of the process will be the creation of biomethane and conversion of waste products into a much higher-value fertilizer source.

{mprestriction ids="1,3"} “That three separate entities could come together to address a major industrial and environmental issue is a testament to the spirit of cooperation that makes Utah such a great place to develop technologies,” said Ivy Estabrooke, USTAR’s executive director. “We are excited to see IPP really gain steam as a vehicle for industry/university collaboration in the state.”

The project will use plant algae to remove nutrients from the municipal wastewater in a rotating algae biofilm reactor (RABR) developed by WesTech Engineering. The project builds on earlier USU research at an open-pond lagoon system at a treatment facility in Logan.

The RABR combines both algae cultivation and harvesting into one process, improving efficiency and reducing costs. Nutrients removed from the wastewater are used to grow algae, which is then fed to anaerobic digesters to enhance the production of biomethane that is generated onsite to offset the facility’s energy needs. The nutrient containing microalgae also can be mixed in with the facility’s compost to create a higher-value fertilizer product.

Philip Heck, CVWRF’s assistant general manager, said the project, if successful, “has the potential to reduce the large capital and operating expenses for our facility, create valuable resource streams, and help bring commercial application for algae removal to market.”

“We want to contribute our process and equipment expertise and become a significant contributor to the field of algae use for nutrient removal,” said Rex Plaizier, WesTech’s chief executive officer. “Our company is committed to making the wastewater community economically self-sustaining on a long-term basis. That’s what is appealing to us about this project, along with the chance to work with our neighbors in Salt Lake City and Logan to make a positive impact in advancing this technology.”

WesTech provides process solutions for water treatment, liquids/solids separation and biological treatment needs to municipal, industrial and minerals clients worldwide. Founded in 1973, WesTech is an employee-owned company with more than 500 employees in seven countries.

USTAR’s IPP program promotes the development, acceleration and commercialization of technology. Funding is awarded to the academic researcher or research team through the university’s sponsored projects office.  The industry partner commits to a minimum one-to-one match by direct payment to the university, in-kind support or a combination.{/mprestriction}