Maria Fiorini Ramirez

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Vasayo, a Pleasant Grove-based direct-sales company, has announced that Maria Fiorini Ramirez will be the first member of its board of directors. During her 10-year tenure with Merrill Lynch, she was named first vice president and senior money market economist and also served as senior vice president and senior money market economist at Becker Paribas. She was managing director and money market economist for Drexel Burnham Lambert before starting her own economic consulting firm in 1990. She has been a Wall Street Journal economist for the past 40 years, served on the boards of both public and private banks for the past 30 years, and is a contributor to various education initiatives. She is president and CEO of MFR Inc., an independent global economic and financial consulting firm. She was previously a member of the board of directors at MonaVie.
Board of directors